The place to win trophies and prizes with a wide variety of artistic challenges….
Several of these are annual, recurring competitions, and so the deadline dates do not reflect a specific year. As with any annual competition, you are welcome to enter as many years as you like. For instance, if you are a teacher of elementary or middle school, your class could enter during every academic year. (Librarians could offer a similar challenge.) Winners will receive a trophy or a cool item of Seven Viking Days merchandise. In addition, all appropriate entries, and the names of their creators, will be posted permanently on this website, with the winning video performances on the YouTube channel as well.
Other contests are individual challenges, like finding the rhymes and the recycled materials, and you will receive a prize simply for sending us your answers. These responses will not be posted (because posting them would certainly aid future seekers).
Here are the contests —
Looking For Canute. The face of Canute, the Viking boy, is never revealed in Seven Viking Days. So that is up to you. Two categories: Artwork: drawing, painting, etc. Photos. Deadline for submission: February 28.
Compose a “Seven Viking Days” song, based on themes or ideas you find in the book. Of course, this song will usually contain lyrics (possibly including rhymes found in the book), but it doesn’t have to. Submit your recording of the song, either as a group (small choir), or solo. Deadline for submission: April 30.
Identify the (most) recycled materials that Mia Hocking used in her illustrations.
Find (all) the rhymes that Lee Cuesta included in Seven Viking Days.
Produce a performance of Seven Viking Days, with actors performing the roles of Sun, Canute, Tiu, Woden, etc. Submit your video of the performance. Deadline for submission: June 15.
Record your reading of Seven Viking Days. Deadline for submission: October 15.
Where is Michael?
As you can see, there are seven contests or challenges — as a tribute to Seven Viking Days. But if you have an idea for another, unique contest based on the book, please share it with us!
How to submit:
Email your submission to: